Montag, 10. März 2008

Who am I? :-)

Here we go. Let's start with a few basic things about myself.

My name is Benjamin Ann, I live in Berlin, Germany, and I am 25 years old.

Whenever I started playing piano I was about 12 years old. I learned how to play it in a somewhat unusual manner. It must have been someday in mid-summer when I was visiting my grandmothers house and saw yet once more her fancy but rugged old piano standing in that corner where it stood for years. It somehow, more than ever before, drew attention to me, so that, once she was gone to prepare some dinner for us, I decided to sit down and open it. Having heard a friend of mine play a certain melody the months before in school, I just tried to figure out the way to play that melody. Surprisingly in a short while I realized that I can manage figuring out how to play something I had only heard before but never seen in a written form. My grandmom came running and was somewhat excited about me playing the piano and asked me for how long I had taken lessons -well I never did before :-). Ever since then I went round her house not just only to see her but also to play the piano. I soon started then making up my own music..

..that's how the years went by just up until last year when I decided to write down the music I created and record it with a microphone and my laptop. So this is where I am now, wanting to take it from here and spreading my music thru the internet to as many people as I can reach. If you like my music too, please feel free to download it from my page and share it with as many people as you like. :-)

One last thing: Thank you granny for you and your piano! :-)

Freitag, 7. März 2008

Day 1

Hello everyone! :-)

Today I decided that in order to become a professional musician one day I need to spread the word, might share some pictures and most important my music. :-) So this is where it all begins! Yieppieh!

Celebrating Day 1 with pictures of German "1" 's :-)